The Fire Rose

Mercedes Lackey

Book 1 of Elemental Masters

Language: English

Publisher: Baen

Published: Jan 1, 1995


Beauty and the Beast in a contemporary urban fantasy setting.

Beauty Meets Beast in San Francisco

Accepting employment as a governess after hard times hit her family, medieval scholar Rosalind Hawkins is surprised when she learns that her mysterious employer has no children, no wife, and she is not to meet with him face to face. Instead, her duties are to read to him, through a speaking tube, from ancient manuscripts in obscure, nearly forgotten dialects.

A requirement for the job was skill in translating medieval French, and she now understands the reason for that requirement, and assumes her unseen employer’s interest in the descriptions of medieval spells and sorcery is that of an eccentric antiquary. What she does not realize is that his interest is anything but academic. He has a terrible secret and is desperately searching for something that can reverse the effects of the misfired spell which created his predicament.

About Mercedes Lackey
"She'll keep you up past your bedtime."Stephen King

"A writer whose work I've loved all along"Marion Zimmer Bradley


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