Blue Angel

Phil M. Williams

Book 2 of Ordshaw

Language: English

Publisher: Rumian Publishing

Published: Jan 22, 2019

Pages: 325


She's touched the underworld. Can she survive its legacy?

Waking on an unfamiliar floor, Pax is faced with two hard truths. A murderous government agency wants her dead - and monsters really do exist. What's more, her body's going haywire, which she desperately hopes isn't a side-effect of her encounters in the city's tunnels. To survive, and protect Ordshaw, she's got to expose who, or what, is behind the chaos - and she can't do it alone. But with only the trigger-happy Fae to turn to, Pax's allies might kill her before her enemies do...

Don't miss this second entry in the thrilling Sunken City Trilogy, the opening arc of the ever-expanding Ordshaw urban fantasy series. The full trilogy is available now, featuring twists and turns, heart-pounding adventure and mercenary fairies that you'll find impossible to resist. Click Read Now to take continue your journey through Ordshaw and be reunited with all the characters you love!

What reviewers are saying about Blue Angel...

"unlike any fantasy I've ever read" - ** Way Too Fantasy**

"much bigger and more complicated, and I am so down for more of that" - ** Paper Plane Reviews**

"snappy dialogue, shoot-'em-out action and horrific slime monsters with teeth and eyeballs where they shouldn't be; like Buffy, but darker and adultier" - ** Bookshine & Readbows**

"Williams does it again ... I'm seriously impressed" - ** Phil Parker, author of The Knights Protocol Trilogy**