Aftan Whispers

Phil M. Williams

Book 3 of Estalia

Language: English

Publisher: Rumian Publishing

Published: Jan 15, 2018


He didn't know how savage the world was… Until he met Deni.

As the days grow darker in the Estalian Empire, young Tyler stays positive by helping others. But when he meets a girl on the run with enemies in the highest places, his life gets complicated fast.

Deni isn't afraid to kill, and she's got a secret that could tear open the sky. Racing from a besieged city to the war-torn countryside, Tyler soon discovers that the Empire's guardians may also be their biggest threat. How can he and Deni expose their leaders without exposing themselves? And who can they possibly trust now?

Can this mismatched pair overcome the full fury of the Guard, when all they've got is each other?

Get ready for an epic post-apocalyptic adventure packed with steampunk machines and stunning action sequences - and a main character who might just restore your faith in humanity.