Letters from Atlantis

Robert Silverberg

Language: English

Publisher: Ibooks

Published: Jun 23, 2015


It is the 21st century, and a man can journey through time in the form of disembodied consciousness. Now Roy Colton is about to leap 20,000 years into the past. His mission: to observe the fabled city-island of Atlantis through the mind of its royal heir, Prince Ram. But Roy is soon worried by Ram's dark dreams. Do they presage the island's legendary destruction? And how can Atlantis be so technologically brilliant during a barbaric ice age? Boldly, Roy seeks the truth, yet nothing can prepare him for the strange secret of Atlantis's past...and future.

LETTERS FROM ATLANTIS FROM ROBERT SILVERBERG THREE-TIME WINNER OF THE HUGO AWARD AND FIVE-TIME WINNER OF THE NEBULA AWARD It was a legendary island, a fantastic island. Atlantis, or as its prince called it, Athilan. Roy had traveled through time with his partner, Lora, to find it—and now he was tantalizingly close to its shore. Time travel allowed Roy’s consciousness to enter the mind of the heir to Atlantis’s throne, and what he found disturbed him. Strange dreams. How could such an advanced city exist at this time? The rest of the world was, as Lora witnessed in her travels, a dark, barbaric land still thawing from the ice age. Roy had been prepared for the odd isolation of time travel, but nothing had prepared him for his final arrival on Atlantis—a shimmering city far beyond his imagination! Roy knew this island’s fate. According to legend, it would vanish into the sea. Roy also knew he had a limited amount of time to decipher the strange message in the Prince’s mind—visions of cataclysmic events, mysterious rites to a faraway star. If Roy was in an Atlantis unlike anything the researchers had predicted, then what were its secrets? And when would it be destroyed? ~~~~~~~