A Private Cosmos

Philip José Farmer

Book 3 of World of Tiers

Language: English

Publisher: Hachette

Published: Sep 23, 2012


It was a world of tiers and layers - the Amerind level, the Garden of Eden level, the Talanac, the Atlantean - a universe of green skies and fabled beasts. It was the playground-cosmos of the Lord Jadawin, with trans-gravitational gates to the other levels and other worlds. But now those gates were being sabotaged to permit the entry of an invading force of 'Bellers' - human bodies housing the transferred minds of rebel Lords - and their minions, who were seeking two things: total domination of every lord's private cosmos, now that they had achieved immortality, and the life of Kickaha the Trickster, who knew too much...

First "Tiers" novel featuring Earth-born Kickaha. Jadawin and his wife have disappeared, leaving the World of Tiers threatened by invasion and chaos. Human bodies taken over by Lord minds are pouring through uncharted gates. They seek two things: domination of every private cosmos, and the death of the Trickster, who knows too much.