The Pagan House

David Flusfeder

Language: English

Published: Feb 15, 2007


The much-anticipated new novel from the acclaimed author of ‘The Gift ‘ – a blend of detective novel, historical fiction and the painful coming-of-age of a confused young boy. ‘Edgar was neither hard-bitten nor hard-boiled. He hadn’t seen too much – he’d hardly seen anything at all – and he was bursting, overflowing, with inaccessible juvenile potency. No one would suspect him of a dangerous agenda. But he could not drive a car. And he still needed permission to stay out past suppertime.’ Edgar Pagan, nearly thirteen, detests his English mother’s new boyfriend, so when she takes her son away from him across the Atlantic to spend time with his American father, it is a relief and a new adventure for him. He is an unlikely detective, Edgar, but that is what he becomes at the Pagan house, home to his grandmother Fay, and again some years later when he sets down on paper the Pagan past, in particular the peculiar circumstances of his father’s ancestors in the nineteenth century, ‘the...