Birth of a New Legend (3)

Jessie Wolf

Book 3 of Death’s Own Daughter

Language: English

Published: Jun 1, 2015


War has finally come to Hades and the Death Gates System. For Maiha Mana Nakatoma war is nothing new. Not for the girl who was, until just recently, 97 year old James J. Owens one of the 7 First High Lords of the Death Dealers. War and the suffering it brings is familiar territory.
The High Families of Light, Daniels, and Moore have issued death threats against Maiha and her family. They have sent assassins to kill Maiha and her family in their sleep. These Houses have used spies, bribery, and coercion to infiltrate the House Nakatoma military. They have gone out of their way to bring down this once great House. After the brazen attack on Maiha’s family in broad daylight Maiha has brought down the full weight of the Empire to handle these rebels.
But will 4 divisions of Death Dealers be enough to handle the rebellion or will she need even more military forces? Forces that she has no idea of where to get. Can Maiha truly face off against the military might of 7 of the Greatest High Families Houses? A military force that will outnumber her own by a factor of 7 to 1. The odds are not in House Nakatoma’s favor. But all of this is overshadowed by something her sister Fuyuko has been hiding from her. A secret so terrible that it takes everything in Maiha’s power to keep control. A secret that could very well send her own House Military on a revenge inspired killing spree. This is a problem that Maiha must face and deal with before it gets out and she loses control of her House Military.
While the Emperor has dispatched his Hunters to bring the other members of the rebel Houses to justice. Maiha has been given an Imperial order to stop the rebellion on Hades. A rebellion that can have Empire wide consequences. This rebellion threatens the very foundations of the Empire.
Will Maiha have the time to train her family in the use of their new abilities as Second Generation Death Dealers or will Houses Light, Moor, and Daniels force her hand? Already the three Houses are moving to stop her and her forces. The three Houses have gathered more than just their own Military Forces to attack the Nakatoma’s.
To add to Maiha’s problems there is the upcoming marriage of her adopted mother the Lady Dai Etsu. Her growing feelings for a certain APS Pilot Sargent Alice Ann Wendell and her growing confusion over her own sexuality. Will the now young again James Owens find love again once more in this new life? Will she forget about her first true love Matsu Nakatoma Owens or will the new young lady move on with her life?

How will the fiery hellion face all these new challenges? One thing is for certain she won’t run away and hide. No that is not the way James Owens would handle a problem, and despite the behavioral program that drives so much of her life now, Maiha doesn’t run either. Maiha maybe the only successful secondary configuration in the history of the Death Dealers, but she is still at the very core of her being a Death Dealer. On over a thousand worlds, across countless battlefields their battle cry has been heard. These are men who do not back down and do not retreat. At the back of her mind Maiha hears this cry sounding over and over “By our hands death is dealt”.

For the most feared of Death Dealers the man they called Death, there can be only one solution. Victory or death. However that man is no longer among the living. He and his legend has been laid to rest in the Nakatoma Family Shrine. Maiha, maybe the Head of House for her family, but she still looks like an innocent teenage girl. Can Maiha live up to the legend that is already starting to form around her? Can she show the Universe that Maiha Nakatoma is ‘Deaths Own Daughter’?