Deep Magic - Winter 2020

Jeff Wheeler & Charlie N. Holmberg & Michael J. Sullivan & Patrick Hurley & David Cleden & Timothy Mudie & Brendon Taylor

Language: English

Published: Jan 11, 2021

Pages: 160


If you want to read gripping stories that don’t rely on sex, swearing, and graphic violence—you’ve come to the right place!

"The Game" by NYT Bestselling author Michael J. Sullivan
"The Red Walls of Ishri" by Patrick Hurley
"1-2-1" by David Cleden
"Ocean-Eyed Boy" by Timothy Mudie
"Darned Socks" by Brendon Taylor

Extended sample chapters for

"Knight's Ransom" by Jeff Wheeler
"Spellbreaker" by Charlie N. Holmberg

DEEP MAGIC is an electronic magazine that publishes clean short fiction in the fantasy and science fiction genres (epic, paranormal, steampunk, etc).