Dragon Rescue

Kevin McLaughlin & Michael Anderle

Book 8 of Steel Dragon

Language: English

Publisher: LMBPN Publishing

Published: Feb 10, 2022


Dragons have ruled the world for millennia. War is coming—and Kristen Hall is all that stands between peace and utter destruction.

Note: This book was previously published as part of the megabook Steel Dragon 3.

The young policewoman is requested to investigate a case of two more dead dragons by Investigator Windlock.

What looks like a tragic dragon duel reveals itself at second glance to be another problem for the increasingly fragile peace between dragons and humans.

Working with investigator Windlock and his mage Brockton, the investigation leads Kristen to Canada, the adopted homeland of the dwarves. Originally created by mages to fight dragons, this race of humans had broken away from the mages to live in peace.

What they still have in common with humans is that they do not particularly like dragons. They are not susceptible to their dragon fire, nor are they afraid to kick a dragon's butt.

Even if that butt is made of steel.

Will Kristen solve the investigation in time to avert more deaths?