Nightfall and Other Stories

Isaac Asimov

Language: English

Publisher: Del Rey

Published: Jan 1, 1969

Pages: 343


A collection of twenty classic short stories by Isaac Asimov, author of the Foundation series, featuring the definitive version of “Nightfall”

From one of history’s most influential writers of science fiction comes this collection of twenty short works of fiction, arranged in order of publication from 1941 to 1967. Compiled by Asimov himself, who prefaced each story with an introduction, it begins with “Nightfall,” the tale of a world with eternal sun that is suddenly plunged into total darkness and utter madness. “Nightfall,” published when the author was only twenty-one, was arguably his breakout work, making such an impression that, almost thirty years later, the Science Fiction Writers of America voted it the best science-fiction short story ever written.

The other stories in the collection span far and wide: A dedicated scientist who whips up his own love potion. Machines that learn to think for themselves—and direct their thoughts to overturning the establishment. The discovery that Earthlings are being destroyed by a mysterious kind of psychological virus. A day when walking outdoors becomes a sign of psychosis. And many more.

Nightfall - Astounding, Sept 1941
Green Patches - Galaxy, Nov 1950
Hostess - Galaxy, May 1951
Breeds There a Man . . . ? - Astounding, June 1951
C-Chute - Galaxy, Oct 1951
In a Good Cause - "New Tales of Space & Time", 1951
What If--- - Fantastic, Summer 1952
Sally - Fantastic, June 1953
Flies - F&SF, June 1953
Nobody Here But--- - Star SF #1, 1953
It's Such a Beautiful Day - Star SF #3, 1954
Strikebreaker - Original SF Stories, Jan 1957
Insert Knob A in Hole B - F&SF, Dec 1957
The Up-to-Date Sorcerer - F&SF, July 1958
Unto the Fourth Generation - F&SF, April 1959
What is this Thing Called Love? - Amazing, March 1961
The Machine That Won the War - F&SF, Oct 1961
My Son, the Physicist - Scientific American, Feb 1962
Eyes Do More Than See - F&SF, April 1965
Segregationist - Abbottempo, Book 4, 1967