Bill and the Space War!

D. R. Rosier

Language: English

Published: Dec 5, 2013


This is the second novella for Bill in Space. All three are now available.
Bill and the Spaceship! is book 1.
Bill and the Space War! is book 2.
Bill and the Sprisi! is book 3.

Bill is doing great!

He has some good women to love, slavery is about stamped out and things couldn't be better in the Angilli Empire. There are some issues but nothing they can't handle.

They stopped the evil Dravii who betrayed all for power, or at least, that is what Bill believes.

But there is a darker hidden truth. There is an evil beyond imagining that has been pulling the strings of fate for the last 4 millennia.

They are ready. Is Bill?

WARNING! This is Erotic Fantasy. If you will be offended by Explicit Sex, MF, MFF or, FF this is NOT the book for you! If you are offended by polyamory it is time for you to hit back on your browser!
