The Star King

Jack Vance

Book 1 of Demon Princes

Language: English

Publisher: Coronet Books

Published: Jan 1, 1964


The first book in the 5 volume Demon Princes saga. The protagonist's parents were murdered by a posse of 5 galactic criminals, the "demon princes". He vows revenge, and eliminates them one by one. In the process Vance does what he excels at: creating strange worlds, environments, customs, and adaptations that humans have made to live in these conditions.

"Revenge is not an ignoble motive, when it works to a productive end. Your work will be the destruction of evil men..." These words define Kirth Gersen's destiny. Gersen has but one purpose: to destroy the five Demon Princes, most notorious criminals in the Reach. The murder of a lonely locator on Smade's Planet sets Gersen after his first quarry - the grim and inhuman Attel Malagate.

The Star King is part 1 of 5 of The Demon Princes Series.
The Demon Princes is a five-book series of science fiction novels by Jack Vance, which cumulatively relate the story of one Kirth Gersen as he exacts his revenge on five notorious criminals, collectively known as the Demon Princes, who carried his village off into slavery during his childhood. Each novel deals with his pursuit of one of the five Princes.

Cover art by David Russell