Trullion: Alastor 2262

Jack Vance & David Streitfeld

Book 1 of Alastor

Language: English

Publisher: Spatterlight Press

Published: Dec 18, 2016

Pages: 170


The Connatic rules the three thousand inhabited planets of the Alastor Cluster from his palace Lusz on the world Numenes. Though his military force can bring considerable might to bear where necessary, the Connatic often wanders among his subjects incognito, intervening to right a wrong, or leaving well enough alone.

The population of the idyllic water-world Trullion is dispersed among myriad islands large and small. Glinnes Hulden, returning from ten years’ military service, finds his ancestral home given up to a social movement which will turn the Trill’s easy existence on its ear. From winnings earned playing hussade—the gladiatorial sport followed throughout the cluster—Hulden attempts to buy back his inheritance, but his hopes are dashed by a murderous raid carried out by space-borne pirates.

Glinnes Hulden must use his wits and strength to regain what is rightfully his.

Trullion is Book I of the Alastor sequence, and Volume 47 of the Spatterlight Press Signature Series.Released in the centenary of the author's birth, this handsome new collectionis based upon the prestigious Vance Integral Edition. Select volumes enjoyup-to-date maps, and many are graced with freshly-written forewords contributedby a distinguished group of authors. Each book bears a facsimile of theauthor's signature and a previously-unpublished photograph, chosen from family archives for the period the book was written. These uniquefeatures will be appreciated by all, from seasoned Vance collector to new reader sampling the spectrum of this author's influential work forthe first time. – John Vance II

Trullion - world 2262 of the Alastor Cluster - is a water-world of fens, mists, and idyllic islands set in clear oceans whose teeming richness provides food for the taking. The Trill are a carefree and easy-living people, but violence enters their lives during raids of the Starmenters, freebooting galactic pirates who live short, perilous lives in pursuit of adventure, rape and pillage. Then there's the planet-wide game of hussade - when the Trill's passion for gambling drives them to risk all - even life itself, on the hazardous water-chessboard gaming fields. Their prize? The beautiful sheirlmaiden..