The Worm: The Idea of the Worm. Part 1. Astronomy

Alexander Lazarevich

Language: English

Published: Apr 29, 2016


t is my science-fiction story (or, rather, a techno-thriller) "The Worm". It is built around two rather intriguing ideas:
The computing power of one, even the biggest, super computer at present still falls far short of what is required to achieve a real artificial intelligence comparable to the intelligence of man. But if we consider the total computing power of all of the millions of computers that constitute the global network, that computing power is much more than is actually required to eclipse the intelligence of man. The only thing this giant virtual global computer lacks, is the appropriate software which could make it work as one machine.
Such software would be so complex, that it cannot be written by mere humans. However, tha blind process of Darwinian evolution has somehow managed to create Homo Sapience out of unthinking one-celled amoeba. True, it took several billions of years, but the processes in the virtual worlds of computers are so much faster than in the real world...

Also in this book firstly published manuscript with ideas of the worm.