City of Baraboo

Barry B. Longyear

Book 2 of Circus World

Language: English

Publisher: Berkley Books

Published: Aug 2, 1981


The Last Show on Earth finds its survival by taking to the stars and playing the worlds of the near galaxy, becoming the greatest show off Earth."What Barry has done . . . is to take a magnificent way of life, which today seems on the verge of extinction, and fling it bodily into the future, toward immortality."Spider Robinson


"...take a magnificent way of life, which today seems on the verge of extinction, and fling it bodily into the future, toward immortality." -- Spider Robinson

About the Author

Hugo, Nebula and Campbell Award winner, Barry Longyear is author of the acclaimed Enemy Mine, which was made into a motion picture by Fox. Recent works include The Enemy Papers and Yesterday's Tomorrow. Having completed training as a PI, the current work is a mystery titled The Hangman's Son. Longyear lives with his wife Jean in New Sharon, Maine.