Merchant and Empire

Alma T. C. Boykin

Book 4 of Merchant and Empire

Language: English

Publisher: eBook (Kindle)

Published: Jan 7, 2019


Do Not Waken the Gods...

Tycho Rhonarida spent his life blending in and staying out of notice. Now he travels with the Great Northern Emperor's Progress, the only southerner in the company. The farther from the Free Cities they travel, the more and more corruption, warped magic, and unrest the emperor discovers. Tycho senses something very wrong, something coming from the kingdom of Liambruu, something only he can recognize. What has King Sanchohaakon done, that even the gods take heed?

Tycho Spellbreaker the emperor named him. Now, Tycho must balance his duty to the emperor and his desire for commercial success. He who has avoided notice for so long, the only man without magic, may be the only person who can see the truth and stop Liambruu.

When the gods of the north walk, the world trembles.