White Gold of Empire

Alma T. C. Boykin

Book 6 of Merchant and Empire

Language: English

Published: Oct 25, 2021


Without salt, man and beast cannot live. Without fire and tools, man cannot prosper.Tarno Halson and the other salt makers of Halfeld Fluss must have wood for the fires to boil spring water into salt. Farmers, builders, smiths, tool-makers, bakers, and all the other trades demand wood as well, and tensions have risen among the trades. Tarno, a widower, also seeks a wife. One of the woodworkers offers—insists on Tarno taking—his daughter's hand. The arrangement might bring peace between two of the trades.Danger unifies Halfeld Fluss, yet also divides it. When Korvaal's Son dies, and winter grows harder, obsession and anger simmer like boiling brine—and prove equally deadly.