Merchant and Magic

Alma T. C. Boykin & Rod Underhill

Book 1 of Merchant and Empire

Language: English

Published: May 12, 2018


When Magic Fails...

Tycho Rhonarida Galnaar trades hides—hides tanned, hides untanned, with and without fleeces, nothing risky. He prefers steady, low-key trade, a quiet home life, and reliable business partners. Slow and steady bring wealth and do not draw the attention of nobles, thieves, or the gods. Especially not of the gods!

Counterfeit coin and cursed grain...

But the gods have other plans. Tycho's secret—his absolute inability to work or even see magic in a world that depends on it—may be the key to solving a mystery, and saving a city. Tycho wants no part in mysteries or adventure. He's a merchant, nothing more.

Trade is Tycho's world. That world changes under his feet.