Dirty Job

Felix R. Savage

Book 2 of Cauldron of Stars

Language: English

Published: Jan 2, 2019


"One more dirty job for the St. Clare's crew. This time it's all or nothing. In search of Pippa, an exiled teenage heiress, independent space freighter captain Mike Starrunner accepts a cargo for the Hurtworlds, the most hellish planets in the Cluster. The cargo is dirty, and could land the crew in jail...but that's never stopped Mike before. This time, the prize is not just money, but the truth about the Traveller plot that's turned Mike's life upside-down ... Dirty Job is the second book of A Cauldron of Stars, a new space opera thriller seris from New York Times bestselling sci-fi author Felix R. Savage. It contains swearing, sex, spaceships, unapologetic badassery, shapeshifting wolves, tigers, bears, lions, and one very large snake.
