When Angels Cry

Michael Anderle

Book 6 of The Unbelievable Mr. Brownstone

Language: English

Publisher: LMBPN Publishing

Published: Jun 21, 2018


All James wanted was to get some barbeque in Vegas.

The Red-Eyes Killer decided to start his spree at the wrong time in the wrong town with the wrong little girl.

Trey comes to Vegas in search of a relative he hasn't seen in seven years.

Could the City of Sin be bringing together some good out of tragedy?

Las Vegas PD isn't prepared to fight high-level bounties like Los Angeles could.

Speaking of Los Angeles, Lieutenant Hall is doing something a bit shady to protect her men.

Is she becoming that which she loathes?

In James Brownstone's world, there is never a normal day.


NOTE: This book contains cursing. Perhaps humorous cursing, but cursing nevertheless. If this offends you, I don't suggest reading this book.