New Writings in SF-19

John Carnell & Vincent King & Joseph L. Green & Michael G. Coney & Kenneth Bulmer & David Coles & John Rackham & Christopher Priest

Book 19 of New Writings in SF

Language: English

Publisher: Corgi

Published: Jan 1, 1971

Pages: 190


New Writings in SF-19 , featuring stories by Michael G. Coney, Kenneth Bulmer, David Coles, Vincent King, John Rackham, Joseph Green, and Christopher Priest.

New Writings in SF brings to lovers of science fiction brand new stories never before published—stories written especially for the series by international authors.

New Writings in SF is now one of the most popular and well-established series in science fiction and presents a stimulating and energetic approach to modern SF.

Joseph L. Green. First Light on a Darkling Plain. 1971.
Michael G. Coney. The Mind Prison. 1971.
Kenneth Bulmer. A Memory of Golden Sunshine. 1971.
David Coles. Critical Path. 1971.
Vincent King. The Discontent Contingency. 1971.
John Rackham. Stoop to Conquer. 1971.
Christopher Priest. Real-Time World. 1971.