
Phil M. Williams

Language: English

Publisher: Phil W. Books

Published: Mar 14, 2019

Pages: 425


A high school ruled by small-town politics.A rural community ruled by rumors.The truth may set them free. But are they ready for it?The residents of West Lake are resistant to change and afraid of confrontation. They're happy to punch in and punch out and complain about the boss man. They're friendly to your face but spiteful behind your back. They have their farms and their football, but, underneath that small-town veneer, there's envy and self-hatred and greed.Principal Janet Wilcox is a modern-day Machiavelli of small-town politics, playing the school board and the community like a banjo. Coach Rick Barnett finds himself squarely in her sights when an up-and-coming quarterback challenges her son's starting position.Gwen Townsend's the new teacher in town. She's a beautiful woman with a secret. She picked the wrong place to hide from her past. Caleb Miles is her star pupil, a brilliant young writer, questioning his sexuality in a town lacking tolerance. Gwen needs to hide who she was, and Caleb needs to hide who he is.In a town run on rumors, nobody's secret is safe.Adult language and content.What readers are saying."Another great book by one of my favorite authors! I loved reading the different points of view of the main characters. I think the author did a great job making them all feel real and true to life." - Rachael M. �...�...�...�...�..."Rumors tells the story of lies and manipulation. It is a story played out in our lives every, single, day.This is a book that I couldn't easily put down. When I did have to put it down, I was thinking about it and anxious to get back to it. Williams is a masterful storyteller. It's difficult not to become emotionally invested in his characters." - Kendra M. �...�...�...�...�..."I loved this book and had to put it down to sleep at one point and raced through the next day's events just so I could finish it! I'm used to the author writing really realistic characters in very believable situations that often scare the hell out of me because they could really happen!" - Teresa F. �...�...�...�...�...