Moriarty: Anna Kronberg Thriller Bundle

Annelie Wendeberg

Book 4 of Anna Kronberg

Language: English

Published: Aug 27, 2015


MORIARTY compiles the Anna Kronberg mysteries THE DEVIL'S GRIN, THE FALL and THE JOURNEY.

London 1889.

A dead man is found floating in the city's waterworks. Fearing an epidemic, the Metropolitan Police call upon bacteriologist Dr Anton Kronberg to examine the body. All signs point toward cholera having killed the man...but for faint marks around wrists and ankles. Evidence for a crime is weak, and the police lose interest in the case. But Kronberg suspects that the dead man's final days had been steeped in cruelty. Soon, a second victim is found, and Kronberg gets embroiled in a web of abduction, abuse, and murder. But catching a killer and staying alive would be easier if the doctor didn't have secrets of...her own.