Vulcan's Kittens

Cedar Sanderson

Book 1 of Children of Myth

Language: English

Publisher: Sanderley Studios

Published: Mar 20, 2013


Linnea Vulkane is looking forward to a long, lazy summer on Grandpa Heff's farm, watching newborn kittens grow up and helping out with chores. That all goes out the window the night Mars, god of war, demands her grandfather abandon her and return to Olympus for the brewing war. Now Old Vulcan is racing around the world and across higher planes with Sehkmet to gather allies, leaving Linn and an old immortal friend to protect the farm and the very special kittens. But even the best wards won't last forever, and when the farm goes up in flames, she is on the run with a daypack, a strange horse, a sword, and an armful of kittens. Linn needs to grow up fast and master her powers, before the war finds the unlikely refugees...

About the Author

Cedar Sanderson is a writer, librarian, and avid reader. She grew up in Alaska and Oregon, and now lives in Ohio. While writing Vulcan's Kittens she drew from her own unusual upbringing to create the locales and characters she brings to life in her first young adult novel. She started writing this story for her oldest daughter while she was at summer camp, and mailed it to her in sections. Her daughters all read it and enjoyed it so much, they challenged her to write it longer, into a novel, for NaNoWriMo 2011. She did what they wanted, and now the story inspired by her own children has come to life. Her second novel, Pixie Noir, will be released in Dec. 2013. --This text refers to the paperback edition.


"Young adults of all ages should definitely enjoy VULCAN'S KITTENS , as it's a fun, fast read from start to finish." -Shiny Book Review

Vulcan's Kittens combines myth and legend from many cultures and periods of history, and plonks them all down in our time. It's written firmly for the young adult market, from the point of view of a young teenage girl, but it's so well done that it draws you into her mindset, no matter what your own age or background. In other words, it works for the adult market, too. -Bayou Renassance Man

At first glance, Kittens appears to be a typical female-targeted fantasy -- complete with fluffy magical animals, warring "gods", and a teenaged protagonist discovering her unusual heritage -- but it is actually a science fiction/fantasy fusion story with a strong fate-of-the-world adventure component. -Right Fans: Sci Fi from the Other Side --This text refers to the paperback edition.