A Wizard in War

Christopher Stasheff

Book 3 of Rogue Wizard

Language: English

Publisher: Macmillan

Published: Jul 15, 1996


The medieval planet of Maltroit seems to be repeating Earth's bloody history in the worst possible manner. It's up to the Rogue Wizard to give the downtrodden a crash course in democracy, so before you can say "Magna Carta," he's bent the course of history by teaching the nobles the rudiments of democracy, and schooling the peasants in the basics of radical politics.

From Publishers Weekly

The prolific Stasheff's third novel of 1995 (after A Wizard in Mind and A Wizard in Bedlam) finds Magnus Gallowglass, hero of those first two volumes in the Rogue Wizard series, returning to use his psi-based magic and his political savvy in order to help establish peace and impartial government on the planet Maltroit. Aiding Magnus is Dirk Dulaine, his second-in-command in this war against wars. Dirk and Gar (as Gallowglass is familiarly called) are joined by Coll, an escaped serf facing death for protecting his sister from a lusty knight. Much of the narrative features robust action, as the major characters are impressed into the king's army, hide out with a persecuted troupe of actors, are jailed and engage in various fights. For all the derring-do, however, each event furthers Gar's plans for a sustainable revolution. With some humor and a love interest salted into the mix, this proves to be another light and lively fantasy from an accomplished hand.
Copyright 1995 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist

Stasheff is clearly bloody, bold, and resolute in his determination to follow all of Rod Gallowglass' offspring to their destinies. The third volume of the interstellar travels of eldest son Magnus lands him on a planet that has reverted to the worst excesses of medieval feudalism. With the aid of a shrewd peasant, Magnus teaches the serfs that they can influence the nobles, the nobles that they can influence the king, and the king that he has to listen to something other than his own ego. The problem of keeping seven-foot, telepathic Magnus from becoming a deus ex machina isn't fully under control, but the yarn is full of good things for Stasheff fans, especially one lovely sequence in which Magnus is disguised as a traveling player. Roland Green

Landing in the midst of a pitched battle, Magnus rescues a cunning self named Coll, who has nearly lost his life to a band of marauding knights. From Coll, Magnus learns that Maltroit is ripe for revolution. The greedy nobles of the land of Aggrand, led by the ruthless Earl Insol, have risen up to defy an arrogant young king, throwing away the lives of the oppressed in their struggle for power. Magnus disguises himself as a mercenary soldier to spy upon the warring camps, and before you can say "Magna Carta," he's bent the course of history by teaching the nobles the rudiments of democracy and schooling the peasants in the basics of radical politics.

Magnus Gallowglass, the bold interstellar renegade, returns to liberate another world, Maltroit, from bloodshed and oppression in his third outrageous adventure. Using the name Gar Pike, Magnus befriends a cunning serf named Coll and learns that Maltroit is ripe for revolution. Disguised as a mercenary soldier, Gar sets powerful nobles against an arrogant king.