Parasites Love Earth!

Gary L. M. Martin

Language: English

Published: Mar 30, 2019

Pages: 767


This is the most erotic scifi horror novel you will ever read in your entire life.

A ship crashes on Earth carrying the most dangerous parasites in the galaxy, including vampires who can drain peoples' genders, plants which take control of the human reproductive system, and pancake like creatures who take over human minds by riding on peoples' backs, and use them for their own reproductive purposes.

Major Samantha Arden and Colonel Jack Sullivan of the United Survey Service must stop them, while coping with their own feelings for each other. When Sam gets Infected with a rider, Jack must make the biggest decision of all.

At over 1400 pages , this is the longest novel you will ever read. But it is also an extremely easy read. It is also the largest erotic novel you will ever own in your life.

Note: This book has adult situations, mind control, bondage, alien experimentation, alien impregnation, and relations between adult family members. It is the most twisted erotic horror novel you will ever read in your entire life. Be prepared to be aroused and horrified.

This book is the sequel to The End of Humanity but is so much more twisted that it makes The End of Humanity look like a Sunday School picnic.