The Time of Quarantine

Katharine Haake

Language: English

Publisher: What Books

Published: May 15, 2011


The Time of Quarantine by Katharine Haake

Lyrical, provocative, and deeply haunting, The Time of Quarantine, takes us into a near-distant future of post-human environmental collapse to chronicle the tale of a boy raised alone in the woods by computers at the end of the world—or is it? As the sole surviving member of an ill-fated Intentional Community designed to escape world’s end plagues and convinced he is alone on earth, the boy—now a man—is determined to carry out the final wishes of his father and fulfill his stoic duties of merely being human. But when he discovers, as if by accident, that everything he’s always imagined to be true is, instead, a lie, he decides to leave the safety of his little spinning plot of spaceship earth and go back into the world to find out what comes next.