Out of Line

Michele Dunaway

Book 41 of Nascar

Language: English

Publisher: Harlequin

Published: Jan 1, 2008


Computer specialist Lucy Gunter was determined to uncover the blackmailer sending threatening e-mails to a NASCAR driver. She knew that for every dirty little secret, there was always a trail left behind. But exposing the culprit was as difficult as keeping her mind off charismatic Sawyer Branch, whose routine visits to the sick children at the hospital where she worked touched her heart. As she grew closer to Sawyer—and edged closer to the identity of the blackmailer—Lucy sensed that there was far more to Sawyer than met the eye.…

Little did she know that Sawyer was hiding something from her— and he'd do almost anything to keep her from finding out!

About the Author

Describing herself as a woman who does too much but doesn't know how to stop, Michele teaches high school English, advises the school yearbook, writes for Harlequin, and raises two daughters and five spoiled housecats.