Cargo Cult

Graham Storrs

Language: English

Publisher: Canta Libre

Published: Mar 30, 2014


When a Vinggan ship crash-lands on the uncharted planet Earth, the marooned survivors – twelve religious zealots, their leader, and a single, low-ranking
crewman, called Drukk – decide to make the best of it by converting humanity to their rather authoritarian religion. Inadvertently disguised as megastar
actress Loosi Beecham, they set off to begin their evangelical mission.

And that’s when things really begin to go wrong. For their crash was not all it seemed, interstellar law enforcement is on their tail, and the humans are
inexplicably strange – especially the busload of old folk they make off with, the New Age cargo cult that welcomes them, the local police force that is
following them around, and an overambitious reporter and her idiot brother who don’t help matters by kidnapping crewman Drukk.

Oh, and did I mention the talking kangaroos?

Only Drukk finally begins to understand what is really going on, but by then the Vinggans have unwittingly carted dozens of humans off-world and the only
plan anyone can come up with to get home again is complete and utter insanity.