A Bridge Too Far

R. J. Patterson

Book 6 of Phoenix Chronicles

Language: English

Publisher: Green E-Books

Published: Aug 31, 2022

Pages: 313


**The darker the secret, the deadlier the game.


With President Norris buckling under mounting pressure both at home and abroad as U.S. ambassadors are getting assassinated, he turns to Brady Hawk and the Magnum Team to resolve the issue. However, Hawk and company discover something that threatens the very fabric of the country's democracy—a secret program that operates outside the bounds of the law without any accountability. Meanwhile, a group of Somalian terrorists have taken aim at U.S. shores and have designs on killing thousands of innocent people.

But with Hawk intent on exposing the program while trying to stop an unthinkable terrorist attack, the hunter becomes the hunted. And there's no second chances in this high-stakes game.

Fans of Brad Thor, Brad Taylor, Vince Flynn, and Robert Ludlum are sure to enjoy this exciting new thriller from R.J. Patterson.