Pray for the Prey

Saxon Andrew

Book 3 of Lens of Time

Language: English

Published: Jan 1, 2014


From the International bestselling author Saxon Andrew comes the third book in the Lens of Time series, Pray for the Prey. Humanity has managed to avoid detection by the Violet Civilization and has only lost nine planets in the Milky Way to their war fleet. Now they were faced with a decision; do they keep a low profile and hide or join the war against the civilization killing Violet Ships. To attack the 300,000 ships going to attack Andromeda with only twelve hundred main battleships was suicidal. But to wait was just as dangerous. Whichever path they chose, everyone needed to take time to pray for the prey.

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This review is from: Lens of Time-Planet Predators
Fun and engaging, with loads of suspense, the book is a rush from start to finish. New civilizations are found, new relationships made, and new tactics and technologies are developed. For being as short as it is, there's a lot in it. There's not as much full blown space combat as there is in the author's other series, but events are definitely moving in that direction and hopefully the next book will have some epic battles. I particularly like the choice to make the surrounding factions deal with each other in a big free for all, adding a new dimension to how Earth is able to navigate the various dangers presented and negotiate terms with a combination of 'big stick' tactics and misdirection.

Excerpt from "Pray for the Prey"

Aman looked at his panel and said, "More ships are jumping in."
"Where are they originating?"
"It's like you suspected. They're being moved from above the space port." Aman paused, "Why are you so intent on hitting the space port?"
"That's where they're building their new ships. The view taken by the Jukebox shows thousands of them on the ground. I want to hit them where it hurts. It also appears the port is their largest city as well."
"The next line is firing more energy pulses at us and they have now added three more lines above and below their original ships. I suspect rock climbing just got a tad more difficult."
"Did you ever go caving, Aman?"
"Nope, I'm claustrophobic as well."
"Get out of here! How did you ever make it into the service?"
"Must be my charming personality and outstanding good looks. How do you intend to make it through that barrage moving at us?"
"I'm going to use a striker."
"That will only leave us three to hit the planet."
"Actually it will leave us four."
Aman looked at Gretchen with a furrowed brow and then realized what she was saying. He smiled and said, "You're right. I miscounted." Gretchen slowed the ship slightly to allow the eighty thousand energy pulses chasing them to move closer. She matched their speed and Aman launched a heavy striker at the middle of the incoming mass of energy pulses. Aman gripped the arms of his chair, "I hope they're right about the force field."

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