Question of Time

Fred Saberhagen

Book 7 of Dracula Sequence

Language: English

Publisher: Tor Books

Published: Feb 15, 1993


Sixty years after Conservation Corps worker Jake Rezner disappeared without a trace into the Grand Canyon, private detective Joe Keogh is hired to locate a missing girl in that area and stumbles upon an ancient mystery. Original.

From Publishers Weekly

Saberhagen, whose Thorn mixed Arthurian legend, time travel and vampires, once again blurs genre distinctions in this horror fantasy featuring that beloved SF device, time travel. Joe Keogh is a Chicago-based private investigator who is hired to find a teenager lost in the Grand Canyon in 1991. He brings three assistants, as well as one "Mr. Strangeways." Ominously, two other people-- a Civilian Conservation Corps worker in 1935 and a woman in 1965 --were kidnapped by a vampire named Edgar Tyrell in the same part of the canyon where Keogh searches nearly six decades later. The two plots, linked by Tyrell (who is the missing teenager's father), come crashing together in a climax that is more confusing than exciting. Although the cast is crowded (two of Keogh's assistants could have been removed to no effect), the nosferatu Strangeways--a Saberhagen regular whose other name is Drakulyasp correct --is a fascinating character, and the novel's quick pace holds reader interest.
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Library Journal

From his lair in the Grand Canyon's mysterious depths, a vampire reaches out across time to entrap his victims. The author of The Dracula Tapes (Tor Bks., 1989) continues the adventures of his nosferatu detective, "Mr. Strangeways," in this tale of time travel, missing persons, and an eccentric family. The horror aspects are downplayed in a story that concentrates on fast pacing and vampiric lore. Vampire fiction is always popular, and this title is a good selection for libraries already owning Saberhagen's other "Dracula" titles.
Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc.