Empire of the East

Fred Saberhagen

Book 0 of Empire of the East

Language: English

Publisher: Tor Books

Published: Oct 1, 1979


In the distant future, society has crumbled. Dark forces now rule the land, keeping all humans under their oppressive thumbs.
In the darkness of the shadows and whispered on the winds, there is talk of a rebellion. In the swamps, a small band has formed. Determined to regain their freedom, the rebellion, heavily outnumbered, plans to overthrow an army of thousands . . . with the help of one incredible weapon.
It is only a legend, a story left over from the Old World before magic and the wizards came to the land. A weapon of technology. It is the mystical Elephant, and whoever masters it holds the key to freedom, or defeat.
One young man, determined to avenge the death of his family, sets out to join the rebellion and find Elephant. What he discovers will change everything.



"Ranks favorably with Tolkien. Exceptional in sheer unbridled zest and imaginative sweep. Saberhagen's style is noteworthy for its detail, the depth and humor of his characterizations, and his ability to imbue villains with wicked charm."

"A fine mix of fantasy and science fiction, action and speculation."

"The most seamless splicing of SF and fantasy I've found since Bradley's 'Darkover' came into being."

"Empire of the East is one of the best science fantasy epics....Highly recommended."

About the Author

In addition to the popular Dracula Series, Fred Saberhagen is the author of the popular Berserker (tm) Series and the bestselling Lost Swords and Book of Lost Swords. Fred Saberhagen lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.