The Third Book of Swords

Fred Saberhagen

Book 3 of Book of Swords

Language: English

Publisher: Macmillan

Published: Sep 15, 1988


The third and final novel in 'The Book of Swords' trilogy.
More stories of the twelve Swords continue with the Lost Swords series.

The gods, the creators of the twelve Swords, realize their error in giving powerful Swords to humans. The humans, both good and evil, are ready to fight to the death to acquire and retain the Swords. With the Swords, new ideas and new dreams have entered the world. A change is taking place that threats the gods' very existence.


"Fred Saberhagen has always been on of the best writers in the business,"--Stephen R. Donaldson, author of White Gold Wielder

"Hoist with their own petard by setting humans up as pawns in their game of swords, the gods now face their own destruction in the violent thrilling conclusion to Sanberhagen's Swords trilogy."--Booklist

"Fred Saberhagen has proved he is one of the best."--Lester Del Rey

About the Author

In addition to the popular Dracula Series, Fred Saberhagen is the author of the popular Berserker (tm) Series and the bestselling Lost Swords and Book of Lost Swords. Fred Saberhagen lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico.