The Colour of Magic

Terry Pratchett

Book 1 of Discworld

Language: English

Publisher: Corgi

Published: Jan 21, 1983


SUMMARY: The Discworld is flat, and rides through space on the backs of Berilia, Tubul, Great P'Thon and Jerakeen, the four elephants who stand in turn on the back of Great A'Tuin, the giant turtle. And this is where it all starts, with the naive tourist Twoflower and his incompetent and cynical guide, the wizard Rincewind, forced to flee from the proud and pestilent twin city of Ankh-Morpork. When they meet the barbarian thieves Bravd and Weasel, things that are already bad turn inevitably to the worst . . .This is the second of Terry Pratchett's Discworld movies for SKY ONE, made by the team who brought THE HOGFATHER to you and featuring The Discworld Players, an ensemble cast including Sir David Jason as Rincewind.

perched on the backs of four cosmically gargantuan elephants (who themselves are traveling the intergalactic void atop a giant sea turtle)--is a place where anything can happen.

And it does when Twoflower, a naive insurance salesman turned tourist, makes the mistake of selling fire insurance to an arson-prone innkeeper. One burning town later, Twoflower and his amazing, sentient Luggage--which follows him everywhere on its hundreds of little feet--find themselves rescued by the inept wizard Rincewind, who is only too happy to turn tour guide as long as the gold flows free. And off this mismatched threesome go on an incredible adventure in the wildest realms of fantasy!

Terry Pratchett's profoundly irreverent novels are consistent number one bestsellers in England, where they have garnered him a revered position in the halls of parody next to Mark Twain, Kurt Vonnegut, Douglas Adams, and Carl Hiaasen.

In The Light Fantastic only one individual can save the world from a disastrous collision. Unfortunately, the hero happens to be the singularly inept wizard Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the world...


"Unadulterated fun...Witty, frequently hilarious." -- San Francisco Chronicle

From the Publisher

The Funniest And Most Unorthodox Fantasy In This Or Any Other Galaxy

A sequel to The Colour of Magic

"Unalloyed delight" - Guardian

"Marvellous sequel to The Colour of Magic pure fantastic delight" - Time Out

"Dropping off the edge of their world does not seem to have done Rincewind, Twoflower or Luggage any harm ... Excellent" - SFF Books

"Good fun is had by all in one of the most hilarious romps in ages" - Erg