Just a Little Terrible

Vincent V. Cava

Language: English

Publisher: Vincent V. Cava

Published: Mar 27, 2015


Just A Little Terrible by Vincent V. Cava

Just a little…

Haunting – These tomes of terror will stay with you long after you put your book down and go to bed for the evening. They’ve been known to burrow themselves into a reader’s imagination and are capable of warping dreams into twisted, unspeakable nightmares.

Just a little…

Unique – These aren’t your standard horror stories. Don’t think this collection will include tales of haunted mansions, or blood sucking vampires. Expect one-of-a-kind takes on every gothic ghoul and hideous monster you read about in this book.

Just a little…

Frightening – Prepare yourself for some of the most chilling flash fiction ever penned. The mad genius, Vincent V. Cava, has done it again with the latest entry in his creepy catalogue. Do yourself a favor and leave the lights on when you read it.

Just A Little…Terrible