Stone's Curse

Debra L. Martin & David W. Small

Book 3 of The Witch Stone Prophecy

Language: English

Publisher: Debra L Martin

Published: Oct 1, 2022

Pages: 395


Even the power of the legendary Witch Stone may not be enough...

Jeda DeLongo has a bad feeling as he watches his twin daughters Kala and Kara, the infamous children of prophecy, crowned as the Duchess and Countess of Berkshire. His sixth sense has never failed him in the past, and when the king is assassinated during the celebration, the dawning horror that the Kingdom of Tavia is under attack by desert warriors cannot be denied. The new king has declared war, and Jeda races to Eastford to rescue his gypsy family, but will he arrive in time, or has everyone already perished under the desert onslaught?

Arin, the self-proclaimed Prince of the Desert, has never forgiven the kingdom witch who murdered his father and sister and has vowed revenge. Now he’s done the impossible—united all the desert tribes under his banner. He launches his attack against Tavia with his secret weapon—a Black Coven witch who has learned how to harness the magic of the desert warriors. The only way to stop the witch is for Jeda, Kara, and Kala to unleash the power of the legendary Witch Stone, but will it be enough?