
Philip K. Dick

Book 1 of VALIS Trilogy

Language: English

Publisher: Fanucci

Published: Jan 1, 1981


“Dick is one of the ten best American writers of the twentieth century, which is saying a lot. Dick was a kind of Kafka steeped in LSD and rage.”—Roberto Bolaño

What is VALIS? This question is at the heart of Philip K. Dick’s ground-breaking novel, and the first book in his defining trilogy. When a beam of pink light begins giving a schizophrenic man named Horselover Fat (who just might also be known as Philip K. Dick) visions of an alternate Earth where the Roman Empire still reigns, he must decide whether he is crazy, or whether a godlike entity is showing him the true nature of the world.

VALIS is essential reading for any true Philip K. Dick fan, a novel that Roberto Bolaño called “more disturbing than any novel by [Carson] McCullers.” By the end, like Dick himself, you will be left wondering what is real, what is fiction, and just what the price is for divine inspiration.

** Review

The first of Dick's three final novels (the others are Divine Invasion and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer). Known as science fiction only for lack of a better category, "Valis" takes place in our world and may even be semi-autobiographical.

The proponent of the novel, Horselover Fat, is thrust into a theological quest when he receives communion in a burst of pink laser light. From the cancer ward of a bay area hospital to the ranch of a fraudulent charismatic religious figure who turns out to have a direct com link with God, Dick leads us down the twisted paths of Gnostic belief, mixed with his own bizarre and compelling philosophy. Truly an eye opening look at the nature of consciousness and divinity.

From Publishers Weekly

The quest for God is the binding theme of this trilogy. The "funny and painful and sometimes brilliant" VALIS(anagram) finds protagonist and Dick alter-ego Horselover Fat unable to reconcile human suffering with his belief in God. Invasion is a "fascinating and highly readable" vision of Armageddon, blending New Testament, Kabbalah and Dick's own worldview. In Transmigration , Angel Archer reminisces about her father-in-law, Timothy, an Episcopal bishop obsessed with a set of ancient scrolls that shed faith-threatening new light on Jesus: "This finely crafted, odd but compelling book demonstrates Dick's great erudition, keen human insight and subtle ironic sense of humor," said PW.
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. 

VALIS is the first book in Philip K. Dick's incomparable final trio of novels (the others being The Divine Invasion and The Transmigration of Timothy Archer). This disorienting and bleakly funny work is about a schizophrenic hero named Horselover Fat; the hidden mysteries of Gnostic Christianity; and reality as revealed through a pink laser. VALIS is a theological detective story, in which God is both a missing person and the perpetrator of the ultimate crime.

Cover design: Heidi North

Precorrendo i temi cari al moderno cyberpunk, Philip K. Dick proietta sé stesso nel mondo che immagina: il suo pensiero di visionario, insieme alle ossessioni e alle angosce dell'uomo moderno.
Chi o cosa è Valis? È un'imperscrutabile entità intelligente che vive nello spazio. O forse un meccanismo, una formula o un essere vivente vero e proprio, che entra in contatto con alcune persone per dirigerne i pensieri e i passi sul sentiero della conoscenza. In questo primo romanzo della trilogia, un uomo viene improvvisamente colpito da una sorta di raggio di colore rosa, che gli si materializza nella mente, cambiando per sempre la sua vita. Si tratta di un messaggio celeste, o semplicemente di un disturbo mentale?

Storia della ricerca di verità supreme, Valis pone al lettore una serie di interrogativi propri della geniale indagine di Dick: cosa siano la realtà e il divino, se una o l'altro esistano davvero e non siano semplici invenzioni della nostra mente.