Kif Strike Back

C. J. Cherryh

Book 3 of Chanur

Language: English

Publisher: DAW Books

Published: Apr 15, 1985


When the kif seize Hilfy and Tully, Pyanfar and her shipmates enter into a simple rescue attempt that soon becomes a deadly game of interstellar politics. Reissue.

More information to be announced soon on this forthcoming title from Penguin USA


"Compellingly written, with distinctive characters and well-realized races and cultures." -Fantasy Review "A rousing good tale and...the most believable alien characters to come down the SF pike in a long time. Highly recommended." -Kliatt

About the Author

C. J. Cherryh planned to write since the age of ten. When she was older, she learned to use a type writer while triple-majoring in Classics, Latin and Greek. At 33, she signed over her first three books to DAW and has worked with DAW ever since. She can be found at