The Day Human Way

B. Kristin McMichael

Book 3 of Day Human Trilogy

Language: English

Publisher: Lexia Press

Published: Jul 28, 2015


Book Three of The Day Human Trilogy
Book Six in The Night Human World

Devin thought his stay with the sidhe would be short. That soon changed when he found out that he loved Nessa, but love just might not be enough. She has other suitors, and Devin isn’t sure if he wants to go through that again. Too bad for him, suitors are the least of his problems. On the eve of Nessa’s coronation, Devin finds himself framed for using magic he doesn’t possess. With his sidhe powers he’s the only one who knows that the magic harming people around Nessa comes not from nature, but from the witches. Good thing Devin knows a witch or two himself, but will it be in time to save everything and get Nessa on the throne?


About the Author

B. Kristin McMichael is the author of YA and clean NA paranormal fiction. Her vampiric "Night Human World" includes the YA coming of age series "The Blue Eyes Trilogy" and the spin-off adventure series "The Day Human Trilogy". She's also the author of the NA time travel romance series "The Chalcedony Chronicles". B. Kristin graduated with her PhD in biology at Ohio State where she worked as a scientist before taking her passion of writing full-time. Besides writing, she enjoys chasing her kids, playing outside, and baking cookies. B. Kristin McMichael lives in Ohio with her husband and three children.