Bad Prince Charlie

John Moore

Language: English

Publisher: Ace

Published: Jan 1, 2006

Pages: 240


An incompetent prince must stop a sinister plot following his father’s death in this humorous fantasy by the author of Heroics for Beginners.

We set our scene in Damask: A kingdom that couldn’t get ransacked if it tried . . .

But now that the king is dead, that’s exactly what his brothers have in mind. All they need is a bad king to take his place. The population will rebel, the neighboring kingdom will be “invited” to restore order, and they’ll be in business . . .

Bad Prince Charlie will do. His reputation for “badness” precedes him, and everyone knows he wouldn’t spit on Damask to save it from Drought. At the mention of Lady Catherine ( va-va-voom ) Durace, he’s in on the scheme.

But his father’s ghost has been skulking around the castle, and we all know that means trouble. If Charlie ever gets around to hearing the old man out, he may learn that his uncles’ mildly sinister scheme is actually a bonafide evil plot. Ransacking Damask is just a cover for the real game: Weapons of Magical Destruction.

Praise for Bad Prince Charlie

Bad Prince Charlie maintains John Moore’s track record for fun fantasy rib-ticklers.” — SF Reviews