
Tanith Lee

Book 2 of Novels of Vis

Language: English

Publisher: DAW

Published: Oct 4, 1983


Anackire by Tanith Lee

A recognized master fantasist, Tanith Lee has won multiple awards for her craft, including the British Fantasy Award, the World Fantasy Award for Life Achievement, and the Bram Stoker Award for Lifetime Achievement in Horror.

Raldnor, Storm Lord and chosen hero of the goddess Anackire, has passed into legend after bringing peace to the land of Dorthar. But after twenty years, that tenuous peace is threatening to dissolve. Contentious forces are brewing, working through subterfuge and overt war to see the new Storm Lord displaced. 

Kesarh, prince of Istris, has grand ambitions. Though he is only a lesser noble of Karmiss, his shrewdness and cunning ensure him a stake in the tumultuous fight for sovereignty. If he succeeds, he may yet win the power he craves—and an empire to rule.

But his plans are not infallible—a daughter, conceived from a forbidden union, could prove to be his downfall. Ashni is a child not quite human, altered by the strange circumstances of her birth and blessed by the goddess Anackire.

In a world of assassinations, concealed plots, and political machinations, Ashni must contend with the dangerous plans of her father if she is to fulfill the demands of the goddess…and avoid a war that could destroy the very empire Kesarh wishes to build.

    Decades had passed since the mighty Raldnor had swept across the continent with fire, sword and earthquake. A new Storm Lord ruled in fabled Dorthar. But in tiny Ankabek, shrine of the goddess Anackire, a child was born. Sired in a forbidden union, born - impossibly -of a dead woman, she was portent of a new stirring in a violent, thunderous age.
    The magnificent new novel from 'The Princess-Royale of Heroic Fantasy.' (Village Voice)