Janus and the Dreamer

Noam Oswin

Book 3 of The Nightmares of Alamir

Language: English

Published: Aug 9, 2023

Pages: 624


Who suffers greatest?Nightmares? Beasts? Men?Perhaps, Gods?For who seeks sympathy for a weeping deity? Who dares awaken the slumbering almighty?One man, in his folly, did.

A grand folly, resulting in grander punishment: the ravaging of that which lay between body and soul - the mind.

Stripped of his memories, robbed of his knowledge, the outsider awakens anew. Only one goal screeches in his head. Only one desire stabs at his skull: I cannot be weak.

One pursues power, another dreams of greatness beyond the stars, and almighty himself crouches slowly towards his own cradle to be born.

"Enjoy the dream. Enjoy it while it lasts. Enjoy it before Al Amir awakens again and the nightmares start anew -""For the Nightmares of Alamir are truly never ending.
