Why Not You and I

Karl Edward Wagner & Ron Lindahn & Val Lakey Lindahn

Language: English

Publisher: Dark Harvest

Published: Jan 1, 1987


THE FINAL INTERVIEW "Good morning, Mr. Stallings. I'm Dr. Marlowe. Do you remember me from the night you came here?" "Yes sir, I sure do." Stallings laughed and shook his head. "Man, I sure was out of my skull on something that night!" "What do you remember?" "Well, I remember being carried in here by the deputies, and being tied down and all, and I was cussing and telling the whole world that I was Satan." "And did you believe that?" the doctor asked. Stallings nodded in embarrassment, then looked earnestly into Marlowe's eyes. "Yes sir, I sure did. And then you came into the room, and I looked into your face, and I knew that I was wrong, because I knew that YOU were Satan." "Mr. Stallings," Dr. Marlowe smiled sadly, "you appear to have made a rapid recovery."--Amazon.com.