Hell's Calling

Skye MacKinnon & Bea Paige

Book 1 of Infernal Descent

Language: English

Publisher: Peryton Press

Published: Dec 15, 2018


She never meant to sell her soul… least of all to Lucifer.

The devil has taken her sister. Now she's going to bring her back, even if that means travelling through all nine circles of hell.

Luckily, she's not alone:

An angel with a dark past.
A wolf with anger issues.
A hellhound who's actually quite cuddly.

Yes, this is a journey into hell. Grab your tissues and snacks for this will be a rollercoaster into darkness.

A reverse harem based on Dante's Inferno, but with a kickass heroine instead of a lovesick old poet. The first book in the Infernal Descent series.