Galactic Vice

Jake Bible

Language: English

Publisher: Severed Press

Published: Jan 1, 2018


It all starts with an interstellar cargo barge full of corpses…

The criminal scum of the galaxy have found a new playground and its name is Jafla Base. Now Galactic Vice Detective Etch Knowles has to infiltrate that playground before the criminal syndicates end up in all-out war.

Corruption on every level of government, brutal violence around every corner, alien races that consider humans the lowest of low, and a laser blaster always pointed at his back, Knowles needs Galactic Vice Lieutenant Angie McDade and Galactic Vice Detective Kalaka to back him up. Their job is to keep Knowles from getting his head blown off or die trying.

But there are forces at work that want nothing more than for Jafla Base to burn. And some of those forces may be coming from within the Jafla Base Vice Squad itself!

Action, intrigue, corruption, lust, and greed fuel the never ending thrill ride that is Galactic Vice!

Corruption. Greed. Lust.
Sins undercover Galactic Vice Detective Etch Knowles faces every day.

Politicians on the take. Underground gambling. Sex trafficking.
Another day at the office for Galactic Vice Lieutenant Angie McDade.

Shaking down hustlers. Offering "protection" to bar owners. Cheating at tile games.
Galactic Vice Detective Kalaka doesn't exactly play by the rules.

A cargo barge filled with corpses. A potential war between crime syndicates. Traitors within the Galactic Vice.
These are the nightmares the three must face. Using all of their resources and experience they will fight to keep each other alive even it means bending rules, busting heads, and breaking laws.

But tossing regulations to the side and going rogue may not save them from an investigation that has doom and downfall written all over it.

Can they solve the case before it becomes their last? Or will the operation fail and end up ripping their lives and Jafla Base apart...