Starring Sally J. Freedman as Herself

Judy Blume

Language: English

Publisher: Laurel Leaf

Published: Mar 7, 1977


Look out, Florida. Here comes Sally J. Freedman!

When her family moves to Miami Beach for the winter of 1947 because of her brother's health, Sally is excited and nervous at the same time. It will be a new adventure, but how often will she see her father, who has to stay in New Jersey to work? What will school be like in Florida, and how will she make new friends?

These worries won't stop Sally from creating her wonderful stories. One minute she's a famous movie star or a brilliant detective, the next she's found the Latin lover of her dreams -- her classmate Peter Hornstein.

Sally's imagination keeps her happy and busy, but there is a lingering shadow. Thoughts of the recent war are hard to escape, and they can sometimes turn Sally's daydreams into nightmares.