Double Fudge

Judy Blume

Book 5 of Fudge

Language: English

Publisher: Macmillan

Published: Sep 30, 2002


From Judy Blume, bestselling author of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing!

Fans young and old will laugh out loud at the irrepressible wit of Peter Hatcher, the hilarious antics of mischievous Fudge, and the unbreakable confidence of know-it-all Sheila Tubman in Judy Blume’s five Fudge books. Brand-new covers adorn these perennial favorites, and will entice a whole new generation of Fudge—and Judy Blume—fans.

“As a kid, Judy Blume was my favorite author, and Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing was my favorite book.”—Jeff Kinney, author of the bestselling Wimpy Kid series

From the Trade Paperback edition.


From Publishers Weekly

Fans of Superfudge and Fudge-a-Mania will welcome the return of seventh-grader Peter Hatcher and his five-year-old brother, Fudge, who in this comical caper meet distant cousins from Hawaii. The two families unexpectedly encounter one another in Washington, D.C., where the New York City Hatchers have gone so that Fudge, who has developed an obsession with money, can visit the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. The Howie Hatcher clan proves an eccentric lot. Twins Fauna and Flora, unironicially nicknamed the Natural Beauties, would be in Peter's grade if they weren't home-schooled; apt to break into corny songs at any moment, they perform together as the Heavenly Hatchers. Their younger brother, who shares Fudge's real name (Farley Drexel), acts like a dog, growling and licking people. And their father won't stop calling Peter's dad "Tubby." Narrator Peter grits his teeth when the Honolulu Hatchers invite themselves to Manhattan to stay in his family's cramped apartment, where nestled in their sleeping bags on the living room floor they "slept flat on their backs, like a row of hot dogs in their rolls. All that was missing was the mustard and the relish." The boy is further appalled when the twins show up at his school and convene an assembly so that they can sing. Peter's wry reactions to the sometimes outsize goings-on, Fudge's inimitable antics and the characters' rousing repartee contribute to the sprightly clip of this cheerful read. Ages 8-12.
Copyright 2002 Cahners Business Information, Inc.

From School Library Journal

Grade 3-5-Judy Blume's book (Dutton, 2002) is a fun story with interesting characters, but lacks the plot focus of the earlier titles in the series. As in the previous stories, Peter Hatcher, now a seventh grader, tells about an episode in his life in which his mischievous brother Fudge-a nickname for Farley Drexel, who is now five-drives him crazy. The story begins with the discovery of Fudge's new fascination with money, and is headed in a comical direction when the Hatchers go to Washington, DC to visit the Bureau of Printing and Engraving. However, the plot is hampered when they run into Peter's father's long-lost cousin, Howie Hatcher, and his family. The Hatchers invite themselves to stay with Peter's family in New York City. Although Howie and his family are all hilarious characters, their introduction is a diversion from the original plot. The characterizations are enhanced by author Judy Blume's superb reading, which brings them to life with just the right intonation. Preteens, especially those with younger siblings, will relate to the ups and downs of Peter's compounded life, and Fudge fans will continue to find his antics amusing, though not fully developed here.
Cynthia Grabke, Thayer Public Library, Braintree, MA
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.