The Red Star

Kyle B. Stiff

Book 2 of Voivod

Language: English

Published: Sep 27, 2017

Pages: 480


A True Account of the Forgotten Hero Vlad the Impaler

A new contender for the throne of Wallachia rises to challenge Voivod Dracul, putting Vlad’s entire family in danger. Stefan, the young son of the Voivod of Moldavia, meets his cousin Vlad, thus forging a tumultuous alliance that will shape the destiny of Eastern Europe.

Meanwhile, the Ottoman Empire continues its rampage, pushing Skanderbeg and his Albanian freedom fighters closer to destruction.

The Red Star is the second book in the VOIVOD series, a four-part saga chronicling the life of Vlad the Impaler.

Originally published on September 27, 2017.