
Scott Bartlett

Book 0.5 of Ixan Prophecies

Language: English

Publisher: Scott Bartlett

Published: Jul 8, 2017

Pages: 67


Traitor is a novelette that takes places 20 years before the main plot of The Ixan Prophecies trilogy. This novelette covers events during a major conflict that later becomes known as the First Galactic War. While it isn’t necessary, it is recommended that you read Supercarrier first. By doing so, the characters and events in Traitor will be made more meaningful.

Humanity’s survival depends on a barely functional warship

Captain Warren Husher may make decisions Command doesn't like, but they can't deny he's the best. That's why, even when his carrier is nearly destroyed by the Ixa, they order him to take it on what is probably the most important mission of the war.

Command has decided that humanity will surrender to the Ixa, throwing itself on their mercy. Captain Husher is sent to negotiate that surrender.

But Husher has no intention of yielding. Instead, he will take his battered warship into battle against the greatest enemy humanity has ever known, and he will make them pay.

Traitor is a novelette that takes places 20 years before the main plot of The Ixan Prophecies trilogy, which begins with Supercarrier.

This novelette covers events during a major conflict that later becomes known as the First Galactic War.

While it isn’t necessary, it is recommended that you read Supercarrier first. By doing so, the characters and events in Traitor will be made more meaningful to you.

Again, the series can easily be started with Traitor, but for the best reading experience, I recommend you check out Supercarrier before you crack open Traitor.